I was undecided whether or not to write a post when I was stressed and that it self caused me more stress... so I left it
So Stew what was Stressing you out?
..Amongst other things, £75 worth of pornography charges were ,and still are, stressing me out. This is probably going to be one of those things where, the more I plead innocent the more I sound definitely 100% guilty but...
I’m not saying that I’ve never viewed such material, because I’ve been watching shameless naked women ever since we upgraded from AOL to BT and the parental controls had been forgotten to be put on my account SCORE.
I learned more about the world in that one day then I could have previously ever have imagined. What I learned about that day was the world can be a pretty damn funky, sexy place full of sexy, (if not all be it aggressive and sweaty) funky people.
But it wasn’t all good times, I remember when I was about 13, a pop up appeared on screen at a friends house and my friends were out the room. So I clicked it, “FREE NAKED BABES!”, why the hell not click it!? This Subsequently brought up a good 20 other pages of filth. So as I’m frantically closing down these pop ups, my friends walk in the room...
What pop up out of them all do I have on the screen at that time? BIGCOCKS.COM.
Going back to the whole the more I sound innocent the more I sound guilty...
But I swear that’s exactly how it happened! HONEST HONEST HONEST. Anyway when we went back to school these so called “friends” started telling people that I actively look at bigcocks.com until I publicly started crying.
So It’s not always been great my relationship with PORN (finally said it) but what I want to show here is that this relationship has been developing for a while, and like every male I have a website where I can go to get "some" anytime I like OH YES ;). I have grown so familiar with this website that I actively look down at anyone who chooses a different, and in my eyes lesser, website.
So by now your probably wondering why would someone with my experience and knowledge spend £75 on “naked pics” ,let me add, in one night... EXACTLY. IT'S. IMPOSSIBLE!
Anyway what the final consequence of all this is that I now have to call up O2 and plead my innocence.
“Hell O2? Hi, yeah I’ve been charged 75 pounds for pictures of vaginas, when I’ve not actually viewed said vaginas.”...
Also I probably should just get a girlfriend...
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