If you’re looking for something humorous I suggest you stop reading now, because I’ve got beef and this shits from the 21 day matured M&S finest range.
Just a side note first, every time I start writing a blog post I feel like Sarah Jessica parker in Sex in the City. It’s becoming a little unnerving.
So what can I cry about on the blogosphere this month?... It’s only the ignorance of fucking idiots.
For not one instant will I claim to be the most clued up person in the world, but if I don’t know a lot about a subject I try hard not to make a condemning statement on it.
... they only come to end if your shit enough to let it come to end. I over heard in the Uni Library a girl saying this to her friend in reference to her splitting up with her boyfriend. She must have used a good half dozen clichéd phrases to describe the “break up” and didn’t give one real proper reason on why she is now “single and ready to mingle”. Though judging by the girls’ sheer lack of interest in her friends opinions and thoughts on the matter, and that fact she looked like the end of Christopher Biggins penis, I think her now ex-boyfriend got off pretty lightly...
...I appreciate I shouldn’t eavesdrop.
And I come across so often people throwing in sayings to represent things in their life that have gone tits up. The reason you haven’t got a job interview yet isn’t because “good things come to those who wait” it was because at the top of your CV you spelt your name Stweart Mclllen(TRUE STORY). Or the fact you dropped a glass of water wasn’t because “accidents happen”. It’s true accidents do happen but so does dropping a glass because you weren’t paying attention to what you were doing
So please stop trying to bullshit your way through things by throwing in a saying to justify downfalls in your life
These things don’t really annoy me to any great extent its just when I’m complaining about things it makes me happy.
So we’ve reached the half way point of the blog so I think we need a break, It’s a bit intense so here’s Barbara Windsor
Calm? Right, great lets start on the second half of the blog.
This bit will be short because a lot of it ties in with the post I did about strangers. It’s about commenting on people in general with no real fact or evidence behind what you’re saying. Now I like these guys who I’m about to speak about so I need to be careful...
But recently I read, or to be more accurate, listened to two people make a “humorous” attempt to slag a sub culture. It didn’t bother me on what they commented on or tried to “attack”. What got my goat, and here’s our buzz word for today, was the sheer amount of IGNORANCE involved. If you are going to attack a general area of life or the population at least make sure you know what you’re chatting about. Of course we all categorize people and have general opinions on types of people but somewhere in our heads logic persists and tells us that we’re being rash and it’s clearly obvious that people are individuals and should be treated accordingly. Although this dig I’m talking about was a try at humor and I cant criticise that, as that’s what I ultimately aspire to be, it just reminded me of predigest bullshit chat I’ve heard before. It got me riled.
IGNORANCE is what it is. And maybe you’re of the opinion that “ignorance is bliss”, but when you decide to comment on something with a level of ignorance, I feel it becomes more of a comment on you then what you are actually trying to talk about.
So basically compassion is king. Don’t write off people so easily. Don’t kid yourself with sayings and instead maybe try to do something about the things you’re not happy with. Don’t be a cunt your whole life..
Yours Faithfully,
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